Thursday, March 12, 2009

Perak NGOs call for immediate dissolution of state assembly for fresh elections

About twenty over non-governmental organizations (NGO) in Perak had made an appeal to the Sultan of Perak to dissolve the state assembly to pave way for a fresh state election.

It has also been reported that ten thousand signatures has been collected during the campaign around the state’s cities, towns and villages to explain to the people on the current constitutional crisis. The signatures collected had shown that the people wanted a fresh election and did not recognize Umno’s rebel state government as a legitimate one.

Among the twenty over NGOs who rallied for the Sultan to dissolve the state assembly were twenty three Chinese associations and guilds, the Perak Bloggers Network, four Islamic associations consisting of Jamaiy Negeri Perak, Kumpulan Prihatin Pertubuhan Islam bukan kerajaan Negeri Perak, Yayasan Amal Negeri Perak and the Biro Kebajikan Pusat Khidmat Sosial Islam Negeri Perak.

It shows that the people of Perak are already fed up with Umno’s lies, falsehood and undemocratic manipulation in the state’s politics and wanted a fresh election as soon as possible. The uprising of the Perakians had begun.

A fresh election is the only solution to the current constitutional crisis. Let us all support the call for a fresh state election and condemn Umno’s treason.

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