Friday, October 31, 2008

Samy Vellu to defend his post in MIC

MIC dictator Datuk Seri Samy Vellu had vowed to defend his party presidency and urged the party's central committee to postponed the party polls to September 2009 in order for him to have more time to prepare for his defence.

Reliable source had also confirmed that Datuk Samy had been working on a no-challenge policy to enable him to remain as party president for another few more terms or perhaps for life.

With Samy's firm grip on the party, will MIC be able to reinvent itself or to rebuild its reputation after its vast defeat in the 8 March general elections. Where is MIC's direction with Samy's continuous leadership? Will anyone in MIC brave enough to come out to speak against him and ask for reforms in the party?

Will MIC be able to regain its position with Datuk Samy still at reign with his much of conservative team of supporters still in charge.

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