Friday, March 6, 2009

Who acted in an uncivilized manner?

Umno supreme council and tourism minister Azalina Othman Said had described that the Perak state assembly’s emergency session under a tree as an uncivilized act.

We wish to remind Azalina of her words on who actually acted in an uncivilized manner. It was Umno who had acted in uncivilized manner. Remember it was the Perak Umno state assemblymen who did it first by organizing their own state assembly session in the state Umno headquarters instead of having it in the state assembly building in order to proclaim the formation of the Umno rebel state government.

The state assembly session in the state Umno headquarters was not even chaired by the speaker but was done by the Umno deputy president instead. Such action was clearly a coup d’etat, seizing power in an undemocratic manner, treason to the people and constitution, thus an uncivilized act.

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